Saturday, May 12, 2007

The sound of silence

Haloscan, the service I use for comments, is experiencing a hiccup with one of its servers. You can see the comments in the right hand column but they are not appearing below the post.

I think it's a conspiracy by the Libertarians.

If you're frustrated about not being able to read the comments, let me catch you up. I suck. My wife sucks. I'm mean spirited. I'm a pot. I'm a kettle. I'm illiterate. I only hate liberal children. I'm a hypocrite. I never criticize any Republicans. And I may or may not have committed countless comma faults and errors in hyphenated modifiers.

It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to.
W. C. Fields

Update! system appears back to normal at 4:37pm.

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