Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I didn't get the memo

A number of conservative bloggers and Republican Senate Minority Leader Scott Fitzgerald are pointing to a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article today that Governor Doyle is breaking a campaign promise by not fully funding the promise of two-thirds funding for the schools. Instead of two-thirds, Doyle has "only" put in his budget funding for 65.3%. (See graph)

At the risk of earning One Wisconsin Now's Blog of the Week, I'm not sure what the fuss is. Is the difference really that big? We're talking a difference of one percent. If the governor's people can't find a way to point to a hidden subsidy of the schools to make up that one percent, they've got some pretty poor accountants working for them. No matter, because I find it hard to believe that the public is going to bite on a 1% difference.

Besides, I must not have gotten the memo that we're now encouraging the governor to spend more money. Isn't this a promise we would want the governor to break? To actually spend less than what he promised? Heck, only 1%? Couldn't he break this promise by ten or fifteen percent and give the taxpayers a break?

Let Jay Bullock get upset with this "broken promise". By criticizing the governor on this point, all Republicans are doing is committing themselves to the two-thirds promise, and that is one helluva expensive check to cash. Republicans may want that one percent wiggle room themselves someday - and then some. Hardly worth the press release.

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