Thursday, March 15, 2007

Blogs come, blogs go

I tend not to note here the passing of blogs and the start of new ones as the lifespan of a blog tends to resemble that of a mayfly. But let me a couple of changes in the Cheddarsphere of note.

Kevin and Kurt Binversie are ending Lakeshore Laments.
It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that we are in the final days, if not weeks, of Lakeshore Laments. (At least this incarnation…)

I have accepted a position out in Washington, DC and as part of the terms of that employment, I will have to end posting on the blog here.

Since Kurt is in Iraq, unable to post with any consistency, and “Beefy” has gone AWOL on us, “The Brothers Binversie” have jointly decided now would be as good a time as any to let the blog go out to pasture.
Lakeshore Laments was the first blog to link to mine (because I e-mailed them the link). Lakeshore Laments was one of the smarter blogs out there and I'm sorry it will be gone.

Meanwhile, "Dennis York" aka Christian Schneider has come out of retirement, making more comebacks than Jason, Billy Martin and John Travolta combined.

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