Friday, December 16, 2005

Senator Kedzie ain't drinkin' the ethanol

Assistant Majority Leader State Senator Kedzie (R) is taking the pledge. His office announced today he is continuing to be opposed to AB15, the bill that just passed the Assembly requiring 10% ethanol in all regular-grade gasoline in Wisconsin.
Kedzie, who chairs the Senate Natural Resources and Transportation Committee, remains concerned about air quality problems in southeast Wisconsin, “I believe ethanol has the potential to create negative environmental impacts, particularly increased volatile organic compound emissions, which can contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone.”

Kedzie concluded, “I’ve always supported our farmers and the Legislature has accomplished a great deal over the years on behalf of our farm communities. However, I can not support the current version of the ethanol mandate bill, as too many economic and environmental concerns remain unresolved. But most important, I can not support this bill because the people of southeast Wisconsin neither want nor need another mandate from their government.”
Well, that's one. We'll start asking around.
Update! Senator Ted Kanavas is Senator #2.
Update! Senator Mary Lazich is Senator #3. Thanks Cat. If she's got a press release, I'd love to see it.
Update! Senator Sheila Harsdorf is drinkin' the corn syrup. She's in favor of the ethanol mandate. However, the Sierra Club and Clean Wisconsin are currently opposed to the bill.
“Clean Wisconsin and Sierra Club still have concerns about adverse air impacts from an ethanol mandate,” said Katie Nekola, Energy Program Director at Clean Wisconsin. “We hope that these concerns are addressed in the State Senate so that we can end our objections to the passage of AB 15.”
So much for this being good for the environment. Meanwhile, State Senator Dan Kapanke drinks the corn syrup and announces ethanol is the way to break the grip of Big Oil. No word yet when we'll break our legislators' dependence on Big Corn.