Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Pulling a Racine

It wasn't that long ago, it seems. On June 4, 1996, there was a different special election over taxes in Racine. Nine years ago this month State Senator George Petak, one of the most decent and competent people I have ever met who held public office, was thrown out by the voters over a fraction of a penny tax to build Miller Park. The regional sales tax was a bargain compared to the boon gained for the entire Southeastern Wisconsin region, but fractions of a penny were too much for Racine voters to pay.

I remember being in a hotel room surrounded by people who worked so hard to prevent State Senator Petak from being recalled, the first ever recall of a state legislator. Many of us were drinking heavily to drown our sorrows. Many of us swore we would never forget.

In Petak's place, the voters sent Kim Plache (D-Racine), who of course became an ally of then Democrat State Senate Majority Leader Chuck Chvala and proceeded to fight against any efforts by the legislature to reign in government spending.

Yesterday the voters of Racine approved a referendum to throw $6.45 million dollars at the financial black hole of the Racine Unified School District. Rather than force financial accountability, rather than force their elected officials to act responsibly and make the necessary cuts, Racine voters handed the school district a $6.45 million dollar check to go play with.

The voters may as well have driven over to the Dairyland dog track and thrown the money away there for all the return they are going to get on this money.

So, from now on, whenever I hear of an election where the voters do something so stupid, so contrary to their own interests and the interests of the public good, the new phrase to describe it will be, "Pulling a Racine."

And if I ever hear of someone from Racine complaining about higher taxes or wasteful spending, I will remind them that they have no right to complain. They did it to themselves.