Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Don't take me out to the ballgame

Not at these prices. Waukesha is continuing to look at the idea of building an $8 million dollar baseball stadium at Frame Park to support an unaffiliated minor league baseball team.

1) Do taxpayers really need to be tabbed for a stadium for a shaky enterprise like unafilliated minor league baseball?

2) Frame Park. Of all the stupid places to build a stadium... It can't handle the parking needs of parents taking their kids to the big playground on a sunny afternoon. How in heck will 4000 more people find a place to park?

3) Do we really need another sports franchise competing for entertainment dollars in Southeastern Wisconsin? I'm a free-market type guy, if they can find a place to build a stadium and pay for it themselves, good luck to them. If they pay for it themselves.

4) Frame Park. About $15 million has been invested in restoring Frame Park, according to the Journal Sentinel. Building a stadium would undo much of the work to make Frame Park a family destination and a community gathering point. This is not the Menomonee Valley in Milwaukee.

5) Frame Park. This isn't the first time a team wanted to build a stadium there, but ended up deciding Frame Park is too small. What's the current idea? Divert the nearby train?

Too small, no need, too much traffic, too much money ...what a really bad idea.