Wednesday, July 02, 2008

James Wigderson and his critics

From today's Waukesha Freeman Sound Off section:
Light rail; Wigderson column
In last Thursday’s Freeman, Jim Wigderson joined fellow editorial writer Mark Belling in trying to “de-rail” any plans for commuter rail service in the Milwaukee metropolitan area. He actually stated that he had visited a railroad museum in Illinois and that is really where rail service belonged, in a museum ... it is old stuff ... from centuries ago. Maybe Jim has never seen an antique auto museum or seen those Model T’s at parades. Hey Jim, automobiles are old technology too! Also, Jim should visit the Twin Cities where the new light rail line is doing very well and will soon be expanded. Light rail and trolley lines are being built in many cities across the country as a “new” thing. Maybe it is Jim and Mark who are really “behind” the times and perhaps should retire to the museum of old editorial writers!

– Forrest Johnson, town of Vernon
Really, it's James. James Wigderson.