Monday, December 03, 2007

How well do you know me?

Brian Fraley has another session of "Know Your Blogger" and this week the blogger on the couch is me.
A film buff, his favorite movie is Casablanca. A lover of classic rock, if not a classic lover, Wiggy tries his best to be classy. He’s been a season ticket holder of the Florentine Opera and the Milwaukee Ballet, as well as the Milwaukee Brewers.

He’ll be the first to admit his wife is the classy one. She’s a former member of the Milwaukee Symphony Chorus, after all. She’s clearly destined for some holy recognition for putting up with his love of the Dallas Cowboys (she’s normal, she’s a Packers fan). The Wigdersons watch very little television, but when they do it’s mostly Sopranos reruns, Project Runway, Ghost Hunters and Seinfeld reruns.

They, however, freely admit they watch a lot of movies and documentaries. James reads a lot of non-fiction, some science fiction (Robert Heinlein, Larry Niven, Frank Herbert) and the occasional classic. “I have a rather well-thumbed and marked-up Complete Works of William Shakespeare,” sayeth Wiggy.
To know me is to love me, and I'm one of the most self-aware people you'll ever meet.